

‘Ramkali Ki Var’ is revealed by Rai Balvand (1528-1620 CE) and Sata Dum (1530-1612 CE) in praise of the first five Gurus; it is a historically significant var. Out of the twenty-two vars recorded in the Guru Granth Sahib, this var is the second shortest var after ‘Basant Ki Var’ (three pauris). It contains eight pauris. It is recorded from pages 966 to 968 of the Guru Granth Sahib. This var describes the anointment (tika) of various Gurus to the Guruship. The word ‘ṭikā’ (mark) appears twice, and ‘ṭikionu’ (he marked/anointed) appears once in this var. It is said that after this var was composed, it continued to be recited during the anointment ceremony of the successive Gurus. For these reasons, scholars have also called it ‘Tike Di Var’ ...