Guru Nanak Sahib compares the night’s quarters to a life divided into four parts: infancy, youth, adulthood, and old age. These stages explain how beings come to visit this world, only metaphorical traders. Thus, instead of wasting life, individuals are advised to try to make life successful by remembering IkOankar (the Divine). This Sabad encourages seekers to develop the lifestyle to receive the honor at the court of IkOankar.
dūjai paharai   raiṇi kai vaṇjāriā mitrā   visari gaïā dhiānu.
hatho hathi nacāīai vaṇjāriā mitrā   jiu jasudā ghari kānu.
hatho hathi nacāīai prāṇī   māt kahai sutu merā.
ceti acet mūṛ man mere   anti nahī kachu terā.
jini raci raciā tisahi na jāṇai   man bhītari dhari giānu.
kahu nānak prāṇī   dūjai paharai   visari gaïā dhiānu.2.
-Guru Granth Sahib 75
Literal Translation
Interpretive Transcreation
Poetical Dimension
O trader-friend, in the second quarter of the night, you are adored by so many in your childhood. All are keen to hold you. Many hands embrace you in loving affection - from your parents to your relatives. You learn how to gain the attention of your loved ones extrinsically and begin to trade playfully with this attention, whether in the form of human affection or by the many toys you gain or the new foods you try. Your attention becomes outward-facing, distracted by the many things that grab your attention and meet your needs for human comfort, security, and sensory pleasure. A mother notices the competing demands for attention and the growing separation that occurs from her child. But, in the end, what is hers? We reflect on how we have begun seeking things from others because of this forgetfulness and separation from the Creator-Provider. We have slowly started to attach to those things we trade for in relationships with others, comfort, and security. Will this be enough to sustain us in the end? Imagine if a child could experience the love for their Creator-Provider while experiencing their mother's love. Could this elevate their relationship and bond in connection to their Creator-Provider? O trader-friend, in the second stage of life, realize that we have forgotten our connection with our Creator-Provider; we have become distracted with worldly comforts that are competing for our attention.